The Day the Bullet Died

Today was a very sad day indeed.

My beloved ghetto bullet died this morning, in the middle of making my green smoothie.

May you rest in peace.

Wait back up, what is a ghetto bullet? It is the non brand name version of the Magic Bullet that I bought on sale at TJ Maxx. Love! The thing I loved about my ghetto bullet was that it could grind whole flax seeds so I could make flax meal, it make awesome nut butters (which my food processor can’t do) and its great for dicing things. Buuuuttt on the bright side it looks like im in the market for a new kitchen appliance! 🙂 I saw an infomercial for this really neat thing called The Ninja – anyone heard of it?

Today I made my third recipe from Alicia Silverstone’s cookbook The Kind Diet today – an Eggless Salad which is on page 208.

Doesnt it look yummy! I made some changes to the recipe though. I used olive oil instead of safflower oil, braggs instead of shoyu, half the amount of veganaise, and a little more onion. I love how the turmeric gives it a yellow sunny color that greatly resembles an egg salad.

I put the salad on some of my favorite Ezekiel sprouted grain bread and made tea sandwiches.

Along side my tea sandwhichs I had a nice bowl of my Miso Happy Soup!

For this variation I used a dark miso instead of the mellow white miso I used in my original recipe. It was a little stronger, and has a slightly deeper flavor which was really enjoyable!

Valerie of Valerie’s Vegan Vittles made a variation of my Miso Happy Soup – doesn’t it look great! Thanks for trying out my recipe Valerie 🙂

I am super sleepy tonight, and I have got a long day ahead of me tomorrow filled with work and school. Blah. The weekend is supposed to be a time to get away from school activities. Sometimes being editor of my school’s yearbook gets annoying. Cant wait till its done! Only two months of my senior year left!  On another random note I’m thinking more lately about cutting my hair. I kind of want to take it a little bit shorter… what do you think? Do you think I could pull it off?

Michal ♥

Question of the day – What kitchen gadget are you currently coveting?

Cliff bars all around! Yum!


  1. I’m sorry about the death of your bullet. 😦

    On the other hand, I think your tea sandwiches are pretty much adorable. 🙂

  2. omgg my mini food processor just died a few days ago, it was definitely my most coveted appliance besides my vita mix. I loved it because it made just the right amount of food so I didn’t have to lug out my huge food processor.
    I think shorter hair would be great! just in time for summer 🙂

  3. awww, i’m so sorry to hear about the death of Bullet. i think my mini food processor is on it’s way out, too, so i know how you feel. well, when one door closes, another one opens, so hopefully you’ll get an even better replacement.
    your miso soup looks so delicious and i love how you made little tea sandwiches. very creative way to eat sandwiches, especially from such a great book :).
    oh! that reminds me: yesterday you asked about stonyfield’s o’soy yogurt. my mom (who is a complicated vegan–it’s hard to explain but she’s not fully) eats it but i do not. since it’s not certified vegan and contains lactic acid from animal sources, i don’t believe it’s completely vegan but it’s still a better choice than normal yogurt, especially because it’s made by a company i really support (thanks to food inc, of course). but then again, a lot of things aren’t certified vegan, even if they are vegan. i don’t consider soy yogurt to be a substitute for normal yogurt but instead a treat so it’s not such a big debate for me. i’ve had it once when i need something in a pinch, but personally, i’m a whole soy&co fan. have you tried that?
    have a lovely day!

  4. So sad to hear about your ghetto bullet! But, it’s great that you can get a new appliance. 🙂

    I am hoping to get something of the sort before college. My food processor is much too big.

    Get some sleep, girly! I need to go to bed. At this rate I am going to get 3 hours! Eek! I have a dance competition tomorrow!

  5. So sorry bout the bullet! The only thing i want is a french press. I already have all the power tools. But Im 33 with a hubs and kid and house. If ever there was a time in life to have a stocked kitchen, it’s now. Good luck with your gadget purchase!

  6. Oh no, sorry to hear about the Bullet! Good thing that kitchen appliance shopping is always fun 🙂 I’d love a spiralizer, but I need to wait to get my own apartment because I don’t currently have anywhere to put it! Have a great weekend!

  7. aww sry about your bullet girl! so sad!
    im DYING to have a spiralizer! those thangs look aweeesome!

  8. sagojyou · · Reply

    I’m sorry that your bullet died! I’m covetting a dehydrator, because I really want to use one! (maybe when I go off to college)

    The eggless salad looks so good! (are you going to put up the recipe?) Seriously, I’ve been craving for ’em forever, and I really want to make some reeeal soon!

    Mmm! Miso soup is so good! Which miso do you prefer overall? I like mixed, because it’s not too strong, but it’s not too light either 😉

    Have fun at yearbooking and working! Don’t worry, your day will be over before you know it!

  9. Vanilla · · Reply


    May he rest in peace 😦

    I’m currently in love with my Magic bullet. And my microwave. Can’t live without melted banana.

    p.s: the clif giveaway has ended, hun!


  10. Oh no! I have always wanted a magic bullet, but I can’t find them anywhere! I’d have to order it off of the infomercial. I have seen the Ninja on TV, too, and it looks pretty cool. That eggless sandwich looks really good – more Kind Diet recipes! YAY! I think you would look great with short hair – mine is super long and I’m too much of a chicken to cut it off even though it’s such a hassle sometimes.

  11. Haha, I’ve never seen or heard of The Ninja but it looks cool and like it would be really useful. Plus the reviews on amazon seem good so I would go for it.

    As for cutting your hair.. do it! I think that you could totally pull it off. Have you ever gone short before or do you usually stick with longer hair?

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  14. Just my own little blender for me to travel with, so that is the new gadget I am going to playing around with here soon. 🙂

  15. i borrowed that book from the library a few months ago! unfortunately, i couldnt purchase alot of her recomendations 😦

    xox Vera

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  17. RIP bullet… I’d be lost without mine! It grinds my seeds, makes my homemade Larabars, makes my applesauce, makes my smoothies… I’m far too dependent on it 🙂

    The gadget I’m most enjoying at the moment, though, is my George Foreman grill… it makes the best veggies and sandwiches!

  18. I have the Ninja and it’s aaaaawesome. I use it for blending, processing, making soups, salsas, smoothies, anything. it really gets the job done.

  19. Oh Michal, that is so sweet that you would refer back to my blog and my miso soup post! You didn’t have to do that! I am so flattered… You are very kind to me!

    And thanks for the exercise pick-me-up tips. I’ve felt kind of down the last couple of days. That doesn’t help me to do my workouts. But I will be sure to do some fitness tonight, thanks to your encouragement.

    Love you!

  20. My actual Magic Bullet died back in October. It was a sad day, too. I even blogged about it. I feel your pain. Luckily, my inlaws gave me a new one for Christmas.

  21. […] all remember when my ghetto bullet died a couple of months ago, right? Well ever since that tragic day smoothie making has not been the […]

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