Zumba-fied & Tahini Dressing

Two hours of zumba on friday + one hour 9 hours later = sore muscles.

My zumba fiesta at my gym went fabulous! I made it through the class, and only took one break. There were four different instructors and so many new songs. After the two hours were over we all noshed on some fruit and I talked with one of the instructors who I had never met before. She told me that I had a really good energy and that I should think about getting certified.

Me? Getting certified?

Back in september I was so nervous to even attend my first zumba class, I never thought that it would have become such a huge part of my life. I love it, I really do. It makes me feel strong and I enjoy it so much. I looked into the process of getting certified and the nearest certification classes are almost five hours away from my house, and they aren’t cheap. But after that two-hour session, and then getting up the next morning to attend another class made me realize that I have to get certified. It just feels so right and it’s something that I definitely want to do. So when will it happen? I don’t know, but I would like to get certified before I go to college so then I can start teaching classes on campus!

Fiesta swag. Love my new bracelet!

This weekend I did a whole bunch of nothing…

  • I watched three movies with mom. Pulp Fiction, Catch and Release and my new favorite movie Whip It.
  • I went bowling for the first time in three years and bowled a 19. You can laugh its okay 🙂
  • I went dress shopping – I totally scored!
  • Shopping – new kitchen goodies and a new cookbook.

My original plan was to be super productive, get half of my scholarship essays done… and then I didn’t. But I don’t feel guilty about it at all. I was in need of a break and some good ol’ me time. I whipped up a batch of cashew ricotta, and topped it with a drizzle of a new dressing which I have enjoyed daily for the past week.

Simple Tahini Dressing

2 tablespoons tahini

2 table spoons apple cider vinegar

1 tablespoon of filtered water (omit if you want a thicker dressing, add more if you want it thinner.)

Pinch of pepper, cilantro and paprika

Whisk together until creamy and pour over anything. Enjoy.

Now as promised (three weeks later!) I wanted to share a small excerpt from my senior research paper which I wrote on factory farming and animal abuse.

…The animals traveling to the farms are kept in unbearable conditions and many die before they can make it to the slaughter-house.  Brutally hot in the summer and frigid cold in the winter, there are thousands of accounts of animals who have had their flesh frozen to the sides of trucks, or who have started foaming at the mouth and seizing because of the heat (Freedman Barnouin 77).  Laws must to be put in place to protect the animals on their way to factory farms.  The farms themselves are miserable enough, why must we prolong the agony of the animals?  Comfortable transportation and having access to food and water is a basic human right.  Who are we to deny another living being the basic necessities that are needed to live?  Isn’t it enough that we are taking their lives, let alone we have to make them suffer greatly before we kill them? …

…What gives us the right to choose who or what gets to live or die?  A life is a life – whether in a pig, cow or a human.  We take extreme measures to protect domesticated animals like cats and dogs every day.  If they are considered to be worthy enough of our protection and our love why then can’t the same love and affection be given to factory farm animals?

 Hope you enjoyed that! What are your thoughts about the animal agriculture industry? The purpose of my paper was to persuade legislators to push for stricter laws against the mistreatment of animals in the food industry. I originally wanted to write my argumentative paper on the benefits of a vegan diet but my teacher said I couldn’t do that, so I thought that this topic was the next best thing. I really enjoyed writing it because I got to learn so much about “the industry” and became so well-informed on the subject.

Thats all for me tonight, I really should go work on those essays and I have something in the oven that is smelling mighty tasty. 😉 More on that tomorrow!

Michal ♥

Question of the day – How was your weekend? What did you do?

Kristen from Eating R.D is having a giveaway.


  1. Getting certified for Zumba? That’s AWESOME!!! You totally have to do that so you can teach everyone on campus! (very cute bracelet, by the way) 😉

    Nice essay; I really like how you’re asking the readers different questions to make them think. That’s a really good way to get people to realize stuff. I like it.

    I think animal industries should treat the animals better. (and for crying out loud, since they are going to consume their innocent souls, they should AT LEAST put them to asleep before killing them! *cough*McDs*cough*KFC*cough*)

    It’s totally okay to do nothing. That’ what I did too! I did nothing, but drew, did homework, baked/ate cookies (yum!), surfed people’s blogs, and went shopping for my BF’s shoes! 😀 Sometimes, you just need that time/moment to be lazy and be happy. 😉 I hope you finish your essays!

    P.S: How do you make oat milk? I still have A LOT of raw oat groats left, and I want to do something with it! I searched the web, but there aren’t any good ones! Are there any recipes for it in any of your cookbooks? If you can respond, that would be really, REALLY helpful!

    Thanks and keep up your blogging, girl! 😀

  2. You should totally get certified! I am so excited for my Zumba classes this week! I think I will be attending two, at least one. 🙂

    Your paper sounded really good and eye-opening. I hope you persuaded someone out there! 😉 My thoughts on the industry are the same as yours: animals are just as important as us humans. We both have blood pumping through our veins and not to mention, beating hearts. I am glad that you took a stand and really enjoyed writing your essay.

    Mmm, cashew ricotta. 🙂 What a great way to revamp a salad! I need some ideas for salads – I am getting stuck in a rut!

  3. I think it is great you are thinking about getting certified!! Zumba looks like a fun class to teach : ) And tahini dressing YUM I love tahini!

  4. mmm that salad looks so delicious!

    I have never taken zumba but I hear it’s amazing. There’s a studio near us that does it and I’ve seen incredible results

  5. I have secretly wanted to teach spin classes but would never get the courage to do it. Zumba is so much fun! Good for you!
    Thanks for sharing some of your research paper. It is almost difficult to read but so important to get awareness out. When I read things like that, I always think about becoming a vegetarian. I could easily do without meat but sometimes I just don’t think and order it. Hopefully if more people learn about the harm that is put on these animals, conditions will improve.

  6. thats AWESOME you are getting certified!! i only did zumba once-i need to try it again bc i didnt have a good teacher. you will do awesome!

    that salad looks GREAT!

  7. Stef @ moretolifethanlettuce · · Reply

    i want to try zumba so badly! it’s held on monday nights but that is when i have class :(. awesome that you’re getting your certification! i bet you’ll be great

  8. Bliss Doubt · · Reply

    Thank you for posting part of your senior paper. Hope to see more of it.

    I have this feeling that we will never stop having wars with our fellow humans as long as we have no sense of respect or protectiveness toward defenseless animals. To think that they have rights, something like human rights, is a starting point toward peace on this planet.

  9. Congrats on getting Zumba certified! I’ve always wanted to try it.

    I try to purchase products from companies whose policies I know, like Organic Valley/ Stonyfield for dairy.

  10. I bet I would LOVE zumba if I tried it! And didn’t fall on my face. I am so uncoordinated.

    I bet most people don’t even realize how much the transportation stresses the animals. People are in the blind – on purpose, mind you – about this. My in-laws didn’t know that many cows are still alive while they are getting slaughtered. It’s so awful to put animals through all of this stress. They say the stress transfers to their flesh!

  11. Oh! GREAT paper, Michal. I really enjoyed reading that and believe you to be so right, I loved every part of it. The whole thing was probably pretty powerful. =)

    What exactly is Zumba? I’ve briefly seen it mentioned before but never heard about what it actually IS. Getting certified will be so cool.

    My weekend was pretty fab – ie. I did nothing on Sunday and worked all day Saturday.

  12. […] thank you for your kind compliments on the shared excerpt of my paper. I really did enjoy writing […]

  13. That’s awesome! Do it! I think Zumba is 1) wonderful and 2) sooo much fun and 3) growing! I thought Zumba was popular this time last year but it’s only grown in popularity!

  14. […] for dinner I made Gena’s raw falafel with my homemade tahini dressing. Lately I  have been all about super quick meals (like my Miso Happy Soup!) and snacks that I can […]

  15. […] a hearty drizz of my simple tahini dressing, and a sprinkling of raw cashews. […]

  16. […] they are having another Zumba party at my gym! I’m really excited about this because since I have been working on Mondays and […]

  17. […] falafle with my tangy tahini dressing on a bed of […]

  18. […] I discovered my passion for Zumba. […]

  19. […] noodles tossed with my tangy tahini dressing, 1/2 a sweet potato and a falafel from […]

  20. […] Zucchini noodles, raw tempeh and my tangy tahini dressing. […]

  21. […] romaine, fresh corn, peas, cucumbers and then an oriental marinated tofu. MMM! ON top I drizzled my Tangy Tahini Dressing, which I gave a southwestern kick to by adding chipotle hot […]

  22. […] all know I have been thinking about this for over a year now, and now that it has finally happened its so surreal. I’m actually […]

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